<% '================================================================================================ ' ÆÄÀϸí : korea_apartment_main.asp ' ÀÛ¾÷ÀÚ : jun ' ÀÛ¾÷ÀϽà : 2007. 06. 01 ' : '================================================================================================ Dim strSql, strName, strMemo, strFind, strSearch, strPage, strFlag, strOrder1, strCboSelVal, strTmp Dim intNoTotalCount, intPageCount, intCurPage, intNo, inti, intk, intCntListAccount, intAccount, intidxAccount, intCnt strOrder1 = Trim(Request.QueryString("strOrder1")) strKey = Trim(Request.QueryString("strKey")) strDong = Trim(Request.QueryString("strDong")) strFind = Trim(Request.QueryString("find")) strList = Trim(Request.QueryString("strList")) strListPrice = Trim(Request.QueryString("strListPrice")) strOrderObject = Trim(Request.QueryString("strOrderObject")) If strOrderObject = "" Then strOrderObject = "inputdate DESC" If strFind = "find" Then strSearch = Trim(Request.Form("strSearch")) strCboSelField = Trim(Request.Form("strCboSelField")) Else strSearch = Trim(Request.QueryString("strSearch")) strCboSelField = Trim(Request.QueryString("strCboSelField")) End If 'Response.Write strSearch intCurPage = Trim(Request.QueryString("intCurPage")) If intCurPage = "" Then intCurPage = 1 End If %> Seoul Apartments - 2000 Seoul Apartments Listing
  <% Else %> <% End If %> <% Else %> <% End If %> <% Else %> <% End If %> <% Else %> <% End If %> <% Else %> <% End If %> <% Else %> <% End If %>
<% If strKey = "" Then %> <% If strKey = "fully" Then %> <% If strKey = "garden" Then %> <% If strKey = "single" Then %> <% If strKey = "view" Then %> <% If strKey = "brand" Then %>
Map  Advanced  Specific  USFK  Oneroom  Pyungtaek
<% strSql = "SELECT isNull(b.count_data, 0) AS IntCount, a.dong" strSql = strSql & " FROM (SELECT dong FROM tbl_rent GROUP By dong) a," strSql = strSql & " (SELECT COUNT(*) AS count_data , dong FROM tbl_rent WHERE IsDel = 'N'" If strKey = "single" Then strSql = strSql & " AND type LIKE '%" & strKey & "%' GROUP By dong" Else strSql = strSql & " AND feature LIKE '%" & strKey & "%' GROUP By dong" End If strSql = strSql & ") b" strSql = strSql & " WHERE a.dong *= b.dong" strSql = strSql & " ORDER BY a.dong" If (DFN_DBCOMM_SUCCESS <> fncGetDBData(strSql)) Then 'Error o End If ' Response.Write strSql Dim count_array() ReDim count_array(objRs.RecordCount) Dim dong_array() ReDim dong_array(objRs.RecordCount) intI = 0 Do until objRs.EOF count_array(intI) = objRs("intCount") dong_array(intI) = objRs("dong") ' Response.Write objRs("dong") ' Response.Write objRs("intCount") objRs.MoveNext intI = intI + 1 loop intTotal = count_array(1) + count_array(2) + count_array(3) + count_array(4) + count_array(5) + count_array(6)+ count_array(7) + count_array(8) + count_array(9) + count_array(10) + count_array(11) + count_array(12) + count_array(13) + count_array(14) + count_array(15) + count_array(16) + count_array(17) intKangnam = count_array(1) + count_array(2) + count_array(7) + count_array(10) + count_array(11) + count_array(15) %> <% Else %> All area (<%=intTotal%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> Bangbae-dong (<%=count_array(0)%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> Dongbinggo-dong (<%=count_array(3)%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> Hannam-dong (<%=count_array(4)%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> Itaewon-dong (<%=count_array(6)%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> Ichon-dong (<%=count_array(5)%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> Kangnam Area(<%=intKangnam%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> Seongbuk-dong (<%=count_array(12)%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> UN Village (<%=count_array(14)%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> Yonhee-dong (<%=count_array(16)%>) <% End If %> <% Else %> Others (<%=count_array(8)%>) <% End If %>
<% If strDong = "" Then %> All area (<%=intTotal%>) <% If strDong = "Bangbae" Then %> Bangbae-dong (<%=count_array(0)%>) <% If strDong = "Dongbinggo" Then %> Dongbinggo-dong (<%=count_array(3)%>)
<% If strDong = "Hannam" Then %> Hannam-dong (<%=count_array(4)%>) <% If strDong = "Itaewon" Then %> Itaewon-dong (<%=count_array(6)%>) <% If strDong = "Ichon" Then %> Ichon-dong (<%=count_array(5)%>)
<% If strDong = "Kangnam" Then %> Kangnam Area(<%=intKangnam%>) <% If strDong = "Seongbuk" Then %> Seongbuk-dong (<%=count_array(12)%>) <% If strDong = "un" Then %> UN Village (<%=count_array(14)%>)
<% If strDong = "Yonhee" Then %> Yonhee-dong (<%=count_array(16)%>) <% If strDong = "Others" Then %> Others (<%=count_array(8)%>) 
<%=intTotal%> items found.
Price Select
<% objRs.Close Dim strPrice() ReDim strPrice(11) strPrice(1) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 0 AND 1000000" strPrice(2) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 1000000 AND 2000000" strPrice(3) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 2000000 AND 3000000" strPrice(4) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 3000000 AND 4000000" strPrice(5) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 4000000 AND 5000000" strPrice(6) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 5000000 AND 6000000" strPrice(7) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 6000000 AND 7000000" strPrice(8) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 7000000 AND 8000000" strPrice(9) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 8000000 AND 9000000" strPrice(10) = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 9000000 AND 10000000" strPrice(11) = "Pricekrw >= 10000000" For Inti = 1 TO 11 strSql = "SELECT ' (' + cast(COUNT(*) as varchar(3)) + ')' AS intPrice" strSql = strSql & " FROM tbl_rent WHERE IsDel = 'N'" If strKey = "single" Then strSql = strSql & " AND type LIKE '%" & strKey & "%'" Else strSql = strSql & " AND feature LIKE '%" & strKey & "%'" End If If strDong <> "" AND strDong <> "Kangnam" Then strSql = strSql & " AND dong = '"& strDong &"'" ElseIf strDong = "Kangnam" Then strSql = strSql & " AND gu = '"& strDong &"'" End If strSql = strSql & " AND "& strPrice(intI) &"" If (DFN_DBCOMM_SUCCESS <> fncGetDBData(strSql)) Then 'Error o End If ' Response.Write strSql & "
" Price = Price & objRs("intPrice") ' Price = objRs("intPrice") ' Response.Write Price& "
" objRs.Close NEXT %> <% Else %> All Rate Ranges <% End If %>
<% If strListPrice = "" Then %> All Rate Ranges <%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 0 AND 1000000" Then %>1,000,000($1,000)<% Else %>1,000,000($1,000)<% End If %> <%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 1000000 AND 2000000" Then %>2,000,000($2,000)<% Else %>2,000,000($2,000)<% End If %>
<%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 2000000 AND 3000000" Then %>3,000,000($3,000)<% Else %>3,000,000($3,000)<% End If %> <%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 3000000 AND 4000000" Then %>4,000,000($4,000)<% Else %>4,000,000($4,000)<% End If %> <%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 4000000 AND 5000000" Then %>5,000,000($5,000)<% Else %>5,000,000($5,000)<% End If %>
<%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 5000000 AND 6000000" Then %>6,000,000($6,000)<% Else %>6,000,000($6,000)<% End If %> <%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 6000000 AND 7000000" Then %>7,000,000($7,000)<% Else %>7,000,000($7,000)<% End If %> <%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 7000000 AND 8000000" Then %>8,000,000($8,000)<% Else %>8,000,000($8,000)<% End If %>
<%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 8000000 AND 9000000" Then %>9,000,000($9,000)<% Else %>9,000,000($9,000)<% End If %> <%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw BETWEEN 9000000 AND 10000000" Then %>10,000,000($10,000)<% Else %>10,000,000($10,000)<% End If %> <%If strListPrice = "Pricekrw >= 10000000" Then %>Over10,000,000($10,000)<% Else %>Over10,000,000($10,000)<% End If %>
<% strSql = "SELECT num " strSql = strSql & ", gu" strSql = strSql & ", dong" strSql = strSql & ", name" strSql = strSql & ", type" strSql = strSql & ", sizepyung" strSql = strSql & ", sizem" strSql = strSql & ", sizesq" strSql = strSql & ", bedrooms" strSql = strSql & ", bathrooms" strSql = strSql & ", priceusd" strSql = strSql & ", pricekrw" strSql = strSql & ", picture" strSql = strSql & ", inputdate" strSql = strSql & ", vr" strSql = strSql & " FROM tbl_rent" strSql = strSql & " WHERE IsDel = 'N'" If strSearch <> "" Then strSql = strSql & " AND " & strCboSelField & " LIKE '%" & strSearch & "%' " End If If strKey = "single" Then strSql = strSql & " AND type LIKE '%" & strKey & "%'" Else strSql = strSql & " AND feature LIKE '%" & strKey & "%'" End If If strDong <> "" AND strDong <> "Kangnam" Then strSql = strSql & " AND dong = '"& strDong &"'" ElseIf strDong = "Kangnam" Then strSql = strSql & " AND gu = '"& strDong &"'" End If If strListPrice <> "" Then strSql = strSql & " AND "& strListPrice &"" End If strSql = strSql & " ORDER BY "& strOrderObject &"" If (DFN_DBCOMM_SUCCESS <> fncGetDBData(strSql)) Then 'Error o End If ' Response.Write strSql If objRs.BOf or objRs.EOf Then intNoTotalCount = 0 Else intNoTotalCount = objRs.RecordCount intCntListAccount = 11 If objRs.BOf or objRs.EOf Then intPageCount = 1 intCount = -1 Else objRs.PageSize = intCntListAccount intPageCount = objRs.PageCount objRs.AbsolutePage = intCurPage End if End if intNo = intNoTotalCount-((intCurPage-1)*objRs.pagesize) %> <% Else %> List View l Picture Gallery <% End If %> <% If strList <> "picture" Then %> <% Else %> <% End If %>
<%=intNoTotalCount%> items <% If strList = "" Then %> List View l Picture Gallery Sort by :
<% IF objRs.EOF OR objRs.BOF THEN %> Data is not available. <% Else inti=1 Do until objRs.Eof or inti > objRs.pagesize intidxNum = objRs("num") strGu = objRs("gu") strDong1 = objRs("dong") If strDong1 = "un" Then strDong1 = "UN Village" End If If strGu <> "1" Then strLocation = strGu&" "&strDong1 Else strLocation = strDong1 End If strName = objRs("name") strType = objRs("type") strSizepyung = objRs("sizepyung") strSizem = objRs("sizem") strSizesq = formatnumber(objRs("sizesq"),0) strBedrooms = objRs("bedrooms") strBathrooms = objRs("bathrooms") strPriceusd = formatnumber(objRs("priceusd"),0) strPricekrw = formatnumber(objRs("pricekrw"),0) strPicture = objRs("picture") strVr = Trim(objRs("vr")) %> <% objRs.MoveNext inti = inti + 1 loop END IF %>
  House Number  <%=intidxNum%>   Type  <%=strType%>
Name  <%=strName%> Location  <%=strLocation%>
Size  <%=strSizepyung%> pyung / <%=strSizem%> sq.m / <%=strSizesq%>sq.ft
Asking Price   <%=strPricekrw%> KRW/Month | $ <%=strPriceusd%> USD/Month
<% If strVr <> "" Then %> <% End If %>
Add to My Pick
  Bed/Bath  <%=strBedrooms%> / <%=strBathrooms%>
<% Call subListPagingIncludeMenu(intCurPage, 10, intPageCount, strPage, strSearch, strKey, strDong, strOrder1, strListPrice, strOrderObject, strCboSelField, strList) %>
<% IF objRs.EOF OR objRs.BOF THEN %> <% Else Dim strHtmlTable, isTrOpen inti = 0 strHtmlTable= "" isTrOpen = False Do until objRs.Eof or inti > objRs.pagesize If (inti Mod 4) = 0 Then strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" isTrOpen = True End If intidxNum = objRs("num") strGu = objRs("gu") strDong1 = objRs("dong") If strDong1 = "un" Then strDong1 = "UN Village" End If If strGu <> "1" Then strLocation = strGu&" "&strDong1 Else strLocation = strDong1 End If strName = objRs("name") If len(strName) > 12 Then strName = mid(strName,1 ,11)& ".." End If strType = objRs("type") strSizepyung = objRs("sizepyung") strSizem = objRs("sizem") strSizesq = formatnumber(objRs("sizesq"),0) strBedrooms = objRs("bedrooms") strBathrooms = objRs("bathrooms") strPriceusd = formatnumber(objRs("priceusd"),0) strPricekrw = formatnumber(objRs("pricekrw"),0) strPicture = objRs("picture") strVr = Trim(objRs("vr")) If Trim(strName) = "" Then strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" else strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" End If If (inti Mod 4) = 3 Then strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" isTrOpen = False End If objRs.MoveNext inti = inti + 1 loop If (isTrOpen) Then strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" END IF %> <%=strHtmlTable%>
There is no data.    
 " strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "
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" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "
" ' strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "No."& intidxNum &"
"& strName &" $"& strPriceusd &"
" strHtmlTable = strHtmlTable & "
<% Call subListPagingIncludeMenu(intCurPage, 10, intPageCount, strPage, strSearch, strKey, strDong, strOrder1, strListPrice, strOrderObject, strCboSelField, strList) %>

*Notall of listings are available. Please send request for up-dated listings.
**All Dollar rates are appllied to 1,000 Korean Won.

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